这篇文章是在之前的一篇文章的基础上续写的。没有读过的读者可以看一下这篇之前的介绍文。To the Moon 游戏设定介绍
To the Moon 这款游戏的剧情设计非常精彩。在游戏中,我们会一点点回溯主人公 John 的记忆。随着对故事的一点一点地深入了解,我们会困惑,会误解,会略带嘲弄,也会略有所感。可是当我们最后看清故事始末,只剩下感动与泪水。
To understand and be understood
这篇文章是在之前的一篇文章的基础上续写的。没有读过的读者可以看一下这篇之前的介绍文。To the Moon 游戏设定介绍
To the Moon 这款游戏的剧情设计非常精彩。在游戏中,我们会一点点回溯主人公 John 的记忆。随着对故事的一点一点地深入了解,我们会困惑,会误解,会略带嘲弄,也会略有所感。可是当我们最后看清故事始末,只剩下感动与泪水。
Meta Learning 最早源于上世纪八九十年代 [6], 最近成为研究的热点,这是一个很好的 可以用来解决 Learn to learn 问题的框架。 17 年 NIPS 有一个 Workshop on Meta Learning 。与迁移学习相比, Meta Learning 可以视为一个更泛化的概念。
传统的机器学习方法为解决某一个特定的任务总是需要大量的训练数据,有一个很直 观的原因是因为传统的机器学习方法在训练一个模型时,总是从零开始学习。但是人类 的学习过程并不是这样,显然人的学习是一个连续的过程,当一个人想要解决某一个问题 时,他会使用之前跟这个任务相关的知识。以图像分类任务为例,传统的机器学习方法, 例如普通的 CNN 模型,或者 AlexNet, VGG, ResNet 这些模型都需要大量的训练数据。 为了解决数据依赖的问题,现在的一个研究热点就是“one shot learning” (few shot learning)[4]。许多解决这个问题的方法 [9, 8] 就是基于 Meta Learning。
To learn the generator’s distribution $p_g$ over data x, we define a prior on input noise variables $p_z(z)$, then represent a mapping to data space as $G(z; θ_g)$, where $G$ is a differentiable function represented by a multilayer perceptron with parameters $θ_g$. We also define a second multilayer perceptron $D(x; θ_d)$ that outputs a single scalar. $D(x)$ represents the probability that $x$ came from the data rather than $p_g$. We train $D$ to maximize the probability of assigning the correct label to both training examples and samples from $G$. We simultaneously train $G$ to minimize $log(1 - D(G(z)))$. In other words, $D$ and $G$ play the following two-player mini-max game with value function $V (G; D):$
$$min_G max_DV (D; G) = E_x∼p_{data(x)}[log D(x)] + E_{z∼p_z(z)}[log(1 - D(G(z)))]$$
Artificial neural networks should use local “capsules” that perform some quite complicated internal computations on their inputs and then encapsulate the results of these computations into a small vector of highly informative outputs. Each capsule learns to recognize an implicitly defined visual entity over a limited domain of viewing conditions and deformations and it outputs both the probability that the entity is present within its limited domain and a set of “instantiation parameters” that may include the precise pose, lighting and deformation of the visual entity relative to an implicitly defined canonical version of that entity. When the capsule is working properly, the probability of the visual entity being present is locally invariant – it does not change as the entity moves over the manifold of possible appearances within the limited domain covered by the capsule. The instantiation parameters, however, are “equivariant” – as the viewing conditions change and the entity moves over the appearance manifold, the instantiation parameters change by a corresponding amount because they are representing the intrinsic coordinates of the entity on the appearance manifold.
损失函数(loss function)
A Neural Probabilistic Language Model.2003 (NNLM)
Recurrent neural network based language model.2010 (RNNLM)
Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality.2013 (Skip Gram Model and CBOW)
Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space.2013 (Skip Gram Model and CBOW)
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